Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Getting Happy, Staying Healthy

Getting Happy, Staying Healthy

Yup, it is true, the happier you are the healthier you will be....

So, how can you get happy? There are a few little things you can change every day to start to be happy.

1. Smile

Yes, SMILE, from the moment you step out of your bed. Smile. Smile at yourself, and everyone that comes in contact with you. Eventually, you are not just smiling because of, you are smiling because it makes you feel good, and others too!

2. Stay in the moment

Let the past be the past, and the future the future. Stay here in the now. Be conscious. You can't change the past ( btw why would you, it made you who you are today! Be proud of it!), and you certainly cannot control the future. But you can definitely enjoy this moment. And let go of some worries or thoughts. Just be.

3. Take a deep breathe

Absolutely. Most people are not aware of their breathing. It is just there. Nothing to think about. Really? Think again. It is very important to be aware of your breathing to stay calm and find happiness. Little tools such as visualizing the color gold ( for divine guidance) spreading throughout your body while inhaling ( through your nose) and exhaling anything that doesn't suit you anymore, can be very liberating. So every time you feel overwhelmed: stop what you are doing. Be conscious. Take a deep breathe and let it all go.

4. Find time for yourself

Time for yourself is vital to rejuvenate and analyze what you need and where you are at this moment. You can't help others if you are not balanced and rejuvenated. As the saying goes: All of our unhappiness comes from our inability to be alone. ~Jean de la Bruyere

5. Avoid Gossip

As you know everything is energy. So, if we are with negative minded people, we feel sluggish and down, and negative. If you surround yourself with positive, vibrant people. Well, LIFE as we know it, all of a sudden doesn't looks as bad as it did before. So, avoid anything that doesn't make you feel good. You are the director of your life! 

6. Exercise

It is proven that any kind of exercise will help you feel better. You gain self-esteem, vitality and overall well-being. Not to mention all the other benefits such as lowering high blood pressure and losing weight. So, take that walk around your neighborhood. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. You will not be sorry doing it. 

7. Eat healthy and conscious

Very important. Remember : Take care of your body, it is the only place you have to live. Be conscious of how food makes you feel. Is it comfort food? Are you really hungry? Where does it come from? etc etc. Listen within. YOU and only YOU knows what is right for you. 

This is it! Try it. I guarantee you does work! One day at the time. Slow, BUT steady.... 


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Blessing your surroundings.....

I bless my house, and rooms all the time. It is important for me to let go of old energy and welcome in new energy. I do it on a weekly, sometimes monthly basis. This is how I do it:

For my house, incl. the garage and back yard: I visualize a golden pyramid stretching over my whole entire yard. Gold represents the Divine, and pyramid energy is very high. Then I say something like: I banish all negative energy from my house, and yard, and bless it with Divine Love and Light, so it has the perfect energy for my family and people that need to be in our presence. AND SO IT IS...

I bless my house/yard maybe once a month.
Comes to my house, the rooms, such as living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and of course my office, I will do it much more frequent, more like on a weekly basis. Why? There is much more traffic, and energy that gets left behind. To make sure I have the best and most efficient energy, it needs to be cleansed. (Make sure you incl. your cars too!)
In my office, I always take time before I go into the reading/workshop etc. to bless the space. Each and every time. I call in GANESHA ( Elephant with four arms) to remove all obstacles for my customers, and bring in success. Then I call in their angels, one by one, and also LAKSHMI ( Hindu God)... Every time. No exceptions... It helps a great deal to ease some of my customers, and the readings go way smoother. :)

So, with that said, what do you do to elevate and improve your energy in your surroundings? Take the first step and be aware what environment you and your loved ones reside in..... Then consciously make the change, I can guarantee you, it will be a HUGE success, in your overall well-being: BODY, MIND and SPIRIT
