Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What is my purpose of doing this line of work/lifestyle? Well, there are a couple of reasons.

Reason # 1:

I want to make people ( especially the ones that are not familiar with this line of living/work) aware of, that this is nothing negative, I am not devils worshiper, I calling in /work with the divine and angels, and get guidance through them. There is nothing to be afraid off. Also, to make them / show them in how does energy work ( colors, connecting to deceased loved ones etc.). Showing my customers, how to use Positive Thinking on an every day basis, can and will change your life.  That is my main goal. Making people feel comfortable and not seeing the stereo type of a " Psychic" ( btw there is more to know what Psychic means, and what Medium means, that will be another post. :) ).

Reason # 2:

Because this is not a JOB, it is a lifestyle. From the moment I get up I am in tune, so, not something I can actually quit. :)  Nope. So, why not use it to benefit others? It would be selfish to keep it to myself ( FYI:  I would never read anyone unless I get permission). And yes, there has to be a balance, you give and you take. That is why I have to charge for my services. I would NEVER, use this to make me rich of it. EVER, that would be totally EGO based, and we all know  that EGO will bite you in the you know what. :)

At last, with every customer, it is a give and take. They receive something from me and I definitely receive, learn something from them. If you have a negative mind set in regards to the work I do, it is maybe because you had a negative experience of some sort before, keep in mind we are all humans, not GOD. That person, might had all the right intentions, but did not know how " it" works. And could not analyze symbols or signs for you the correct way. And don't forget the FREE WILL. At any point if you change or people involved change a slight bit, in thinking and/or action everything can slightly change, NOTHING is written in Stone. :) Remember we all have intuition, how comfortable and how conscious you are and able to use it and put it into action,  that depends on each and every individual.


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