Monday, August 9, 2010

Can we connect to the Higher Self with another person ?

Interesting question; YES!
I do it all the times, consciously or subconsciously. An example consciously; if I'm in a Reading and the customer ask if I can see how a certain person feels, and I can connect with them (of course only if I have the permission) on a Higher Self level. I see them, I can describe their hair, facial expression, height, weight and their mood. Sometimes I even get what they are doing right at that time. That is the conscious level.
Then there is the subconscious level; if someone pops into my head, I can see them, know what they feel and also sometimes have a conversation with them, they are NOT passed on, they are very much alive. The only difference is, I didn't ask for the connection on a Higher Self Level- they did. And I'm just much more aware of it, so I know when it happens. It can be really helpful.
Also, it helps if I have to do energy sessions, I don't have to be with that person, I can just tune in wherever I am and whenever it works best for me. The person receiving a session can be in China and I'm here in the states and I'm still able to work on or with him. Kind of cool. (And it saves a lot of money!)
Of course there are certain rules. You never, ever work, and/ or check out and/ or send energy without the persons permission. How would you like to get checked out if you never gave that person the permission? And as always in this line of work, Respect. You can't get information about that person, so that it is in your favor. That is NOT how it works. If you connect make sure it is always in the best interest or highest good of everyone involved!

As always, feel free to leave a question or comment on the blog.....
