Thursday, June 7, 2012

This post is not intended to offend or judge humans. It is simply something I am everyday thinking of, what I lately ( for a couple months now, and lately a lot comes up in my life) analyze and I needed to express it, that is all. I am well aware this post below will cause some shaking, and even some disagreements.

So, I get very sensitive the subject of Spirituality comes up, and how it is viewed by human beings. Some feel to go and search outside, by joining certain religion, organizations, etc. etc. It deep down, stirs up a lot of conflict in me, in how one organization, religion, certain belief, can make one human being so depending on them. There is nothing spiritual ( in my mind) about it if one, drives in controlling ones mind. ( and yes, if you can't live without thinking of it, confirmation, etc it is control). It is simply ego based. I truly understand, that guidance, and humans that belief, meditated and pray together is very powerful. But I completely disagree, that one blindly follows one, whatever and whoever that might be. And allows in the name of that organization or believes to loose themselves, not able to think for themselves. And all in the name of the Divine and to receive Enlightenment. I for myself, know that finding a spiritual path does not come from the outside, it is deep within us. We are all the Divine, each and everyone of us. ( and yes, I do not name a specific god, leader, religion, because of the end we all come to the same conclusion just with different names :) ). It amazes me how humans can use different believes, only so it benefits themselves. Not for the benefit as a whole.
It is an action to a reaction. As an example: I had the pleasure a couple years ago, to go and hear the Dalai Lama's speech. I wasn't able to stay to long, the reason was: it deeply conflicted me by watching what this beautiful being had to share and how the mass reacted to it. Lifting him up to this invisible, (but oh so noticeable) almost shrine. He, the Dalai Lama, was not looking for it, he simple by sharing his thoughts and wisdom, was simply in it, to share consciousness. We, as the MASS of human beings, felt to put him on that level. Purely and without any doubt ego based. Nothing spiritual about it.

Also, Spirituality, in a deep sense doesn't mean to escape from reality. There is a very good reason, why we where born into this world. Spirituality is NOT to escape into an all loving environment, it is just the opposite, staying in balance with every day life and responsibilities. And that is hard work everyday.
I tell my customers, many times. I can't make you a " Medium" a " Healer" etc. it is not my intent to tell you what you have to do. I give you tools, to add to your life experience, what you feel to take with you, what you feel you need to let go, or share is up to you. You all have free will, so use it wisely, go take that class, study that believe. BUT stay true to yourself. Listen to the Divine within you! Just because it works for me, doesn't mean it is right for you. We are all individuals.
