Thursday, December 6, 2012

I had some customers inbox me in what I "get" in regards to 12/12/12 and the world "ending". Here is what I got: 

First, we all need to understand, as we grow ( physically, mentally and spiritually) our surrounding grows. That will lead to changes ( changes means no control = no control means= fear and fear leads to the stock/stop flow of energy) and "the shaking and baking" we experience at thi
s moment. Our world, Mother Earth and we humans, will not "die". It will not be a physical death, more like a growth and the old patterns and structures will no longer serve us. And as long as we resist, we will find ourself in this crazy, roller coster energy. You need to know, there will be souls leaving us ( because they are not adjusting to the new energy, or they need to guide us from the other side), there will be changes in nature, (Mother Earth has to adjust as everyone else. She will be the first one! Especially to make us wake up and be aware!), there will be planetary changes ( they are already very intense!) the whole universe is getting " fine tuned". Don't fear, embrace it. Change is a wonderful thing, it will test your trust, and believes and faith, and that as we all know is deep within us already, but because we get side tracked with every day life, gets put in the back row/corner. In the next few weeks /months, try to find some solitude, reflect, and welcome in the change, rather fighting it. Be aware what your soul is telling you, what kind of changes you, as a person/human being, has to make with oneself. ( eating habits, relationships etc). And at last you are not alone. This is a Global shift. No matter how hard you try to resist, or escape, it will not go away. It will be easier on you, if you just accept it, surrender too it and embrace it. You are loved. You are strong. You are at the right place, at the right time, right now. Be excited to give birth to your NEW YOU! Namaste 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What is my purpose of doing this line of work/lifestyle? Well, there are a couple of reasons.

Reason # 1:

I want to make people ( especially the ones that are not familiar with this line of living/work) aware of, that this is nothing negative, I am not devils worshiper, I calling in /work with the divine and angels, and get guidance through them. There is nothing to be afraid off. Also, to make them / show them in how does energy work ( colors, connecting to deceased loved ones etc.). Showing my customers, how to use Positive Thinking on an every day basis, can and will change your life.  That is my main goal. Making people feel comfortable and not seeing the stereo type of a " Psychic" ( btw there is more to know what Psychic means, and what Medium means, that will be another post. :) ).

Reason # 2:

Because this is not a JOB, it is a lifestyle. From the moment I get up I am in tune, so, not something I can actually quit. :)  Nope. So, why not use it to benefit others? It would be selfish to keep it to myself ( FYI:  I would never read anyone unless I get permission). And yes, there has to be a balance, you give and you take. That is why I have to charge for my services. I would NEVER, use this to make me rich of it. EVER, that would be totally EGO based, and we all know  that EGO will bite you in the you know what. :)

At last, with every customer, it is a give and take. They receive something from me and I definitely receive, learn something from them. If you have a negative mind set in regards to the work I do, it is maybe because you had a negative experience of some sort before, keep in mind we are all humans, not GOD. That person, might had all the right intentions, but did not know how " it" works. And could not analyze symbols or signs for you the correct way. And don't forget the FREE WILL. At any point if you change or people involved change a slight bit, in thinking and/or action everything can slightly change, NOTHING is written in Stone. :) Remember we all have intuition, how comfortable and how conscious you are and able to use it and put it into action,  that depends on each and every individual.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Many customers have a very hard time remembering how to work and/or call in their angels and guides. I decided to write it down. Below you can find the info. Enjoy. ♥

You can call in the angels and guides by saying: 

I (say your full name) call in, all my Angels, Guardian Angels, Arch Angels, Raphael for Healing ( emotionally and physically), Mother Mary, Michael for protection, the Ascended Mas
ters, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, God ( whoever you believe in), and all my Spirit Guides at this time. ( very important you say at this time, Spirit Guides do change throughout your life, and you want to make sure you have to one that is important to your life situation at this moment).

Then you address the situation you need help with, that could be anything, such as relationship, finances, job etc. There are a couple of rules, that need to be considered while working with your angels and guides:

Rule #1: Intention

You must have clear intentions while asking for help. Do NOT ask with, hope, maybe, if , try and wish. They are NOT intentions. And if you ask with this words, you will not attract anything.

Rule # 2: No emotions

You cannot have any emotions attached to the situation you need help with. Make sure you are aware in how you feel, when you ask for help. If there is any doubts, fear, anger, resentment, joy, hope, etc. It will not work. You have to be neutral. If you have a hard time getting to the neutral place, ask the angels and guides to help you first remove all the feelings, before you ask to attract situations etc.

And last Rule #3: Do not analyze how you will attract it

The whole idea of asking your angels and guides to come in and help, is to give it up to them. So once you ask for help and sending it out. Do NOT analyze how it is going to attract /happen. Remember we as human beings we only see from point A to point B. They ( angels and guides) see the bigger picture, they know what is in our highest good. ALWAYS.
On the end it all comes down to COMPLETELY TRUSTING. :)

And last be open to receiving, they can send you signs in many different ways: you might get it as symbols, and signs, you might be able to hear, smell and or see them. Or you get messages through friends etc. Just leave it open.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. Namaste ~♥~

Thursday, June 7, 2012

This post is not intended to offend or judge humans. It is simply something I am everyday thinking of, what I lately ( for a couple months now, and lately a lot comes up in my life) analyze and I needed to express it, that is all. I am well aware this post below will cause some shaking, and even some disagreements.

So, I get very sensitive the subject of Spirituality comes up, and how it is viewed by human beings. Some feel to go and search outside, by joining certain religion, organizations, etc. etc. It deep down, stirs up a lot of conflict in me, in how one organization, religion, certain belief, can make one human being so depending on them. There is nothing spiritual ( in my mind) about it if one, drives in controlling ones mind. ( and yes, if you can't live without thinking of it, confirmation, etc it is control). It is simply ego based. I truly understand, that guidance, and humans that belief, meditated and pray together is very powerful. But I completely disagree, that one blindly follows one, whatever and whoever that might be. And allows in the name of that organization or believes to loose themselves, not able to think for themselves. And all in the name of the Divine and to receive Enlightenment. I for myself, know that finding a spiritual path does not come from the outside, it is deep within us. We are all the Divine, each and everyone of us. ( and yes, I do not name a specific god, leader, religion, because of the end we all come to the same conclusion just with different names :) ). It amazes me how humans can use different believes, only so it benefits themselves. Not for the benefit as a whole.
It is an action to a reaction. As an example: I had the pleasure a couple years ago, to go and hear the Dalai Lama's speech. I wasn't able to stay to long, the reason was: it deeply conflicted me by watching what this beautiful being had to share and how the mass reacted to it. Lifting him up to this invisible, (but oh so noticeable) almost shrine. He, the Dalai Lama, was not looking for it, he simple by sharing his thoughts and wisdom, was simply in it, to share consciousness. We, as the MASS of human beings, felt to put him on that level. Purely and without any doubt ego based. Nothing spiritual about it.

Also, Spirituality, in a deep sense doesn't mean to escape from reality. There is a very good reason, why we where born into this world. Spirituality is NOT to escape into an all loving environment, it is just the opposite, staying in balance with every day life and responsibilities. And that is hard work everyday.
I tell my customers, many times. I can't make you a " Medium" a " Healer" etc. it is not my intent to tell you what you have to do. I give you tools, to add to your life experience, what you feel to take with you, what you feel you need to let go, or share is up to you. You all have free will, so use it wisely, go take that class, study that believe. BUT stay true to yourself. Listen to the Divine within you! Just because it works for me, doesn't mean it is right for you. We are all individuals.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012


OK, this is something I wanted to share with you for a long time, but I wasn't sure if it was the right time. They pushed and pushed me until I couldn't keep it longer to myself. Enjoy, it truly has changed my look on life and death. On not sweating the little stuff, and truly living from your heart. :)Here we go:A couple of months ago, I woke up very tired, and my spine was achy. Not me at all. I got up and did my routine, later that morning I went Rock Climbing with my husband as usual. This time it was different, I had to get home I was too tired to climb and my spine was hurting really bad. So, we left, around noon. When I got home I told my husband, that I will go lay down, thinking I could take a short nap, before the kids come home from school. I went and laid down and fell into a weird state, not sleeping, but wasn't awake either. I found myself in an airport with glass doors. There was a lady, brown curly hair, in her mid thirties, talking to me. She was insisting, that I make sure I leave the building by using the glass doors, and once I am outside, make sure that I visit " the building". She repeated over and over that I MUST go visit the building. I tried to figure out if I know this woman, she looked very familiar, but could not place her at all. While I was checking her out, I noticed that she had only one shoe on, and mismatched socks. I was a little thrown off by how she was put together, I remember thinking : Why in the world would she only wear one shoe? And mismatched socks? She is in an airport.... Anyways, I started moving towards the glass door, I open the door and found myself outside the airport. It was unbelievable beautiful! I had flowers ( of every kind) all around me, it was warm and sunny, the colors in everything was very intense, nothing I ever experienced in my world. The feeling of peace, love and freedom, came over me. It was very, very intense. I saw a big building in front of me, and after the building there was ocean. It was breath taking. Very clean and intense. Lots of different feelings ran through me. They all felt calming, and very peaceful. I started moving towards the building, it was somewhat round, and brown. I noticed once I entered the building, that one side was covered and the other half of it was open, and the ocean was kind of attached to it. Nothing I've ever have seen before. I looked around and I notice big round tables and chairs. In once of the chairs I noticed my grandma sitting ( she past away in Feb. 09) just smiling at me. Then I turned around and I saw my grandpa ( he past a month before I gave birth to my Annabelle, and I was never able to see him once he past on, I always only felt him). His face lit up. He started communicating with me. He said:" Finally, you made it. You came and visit." I was kind of confused, still figuring out where I am and why I could see my grandpa. As I look around I as this mentally challenged young man sitting next to grandma. All I focused on was, his nose was running, and I was thinking: I hope this young man will not jump into the ocean without wiping his nose. He looked up at me, with very sad eyes and said: " Please, don't take them from me! They are my friends. I take care of them right now. Please, don't take them away!" I was even more confused. I answered back:" Don't worry, I will not take them back. They seem very happy here with you. I am just visiting." And as I said that, it hit me, I was in HEAVEN! I was visiting HEAVEN. I was like flash going right through me. I started to be very emotional, all this feelings came up in me. Then, I noticed children, young children, running from the ocean towards me. They all gathered around me and said: " Oh, finally, an adult was able to visit. We come here very often, we visit very frequently, but if we talk about it, nobody understands. " Then in a blink of an eye, I was awake. Laying in my bed, tears where rolling down my cheeks. It was sooo emotional, I was sooo homesick to this wonderful, peaceful place I just had visited. Coming back into the real world, ( it did not help that it was cold outside and grey). I reflected back on what just happened, why was I able to see a glimpse of my heaven? Why me? And why can I not stay there? I felt, that it wasn't time for me to stay there permanently, there is more work I have to do, for myself, and others. Also, I realized, who cares if you don't wear both shoes, have mismatched socks and have a runny nose! The divine doesn't judge, and everyone is welcome. No matter what. I realized I still have a lot of work on myself to do. LOT's of it. I got up, and also noticed I had no pain in my spine, and felt wonderful energized. I was very emotional, but I knew this experience changed a lot in my life, and how I look at everything and how it helps others. :) ~Namaste